For Students

We aim to be a one stop place for students at Penn to learn about product management. We run regular product management events for our General Members and the greater University of Pennsylvania community. For those who are more interested, we offer an integrated curriculum, consisting of semester-long fellowships and consulting programs.

Break into product management


The Product Space Fellowship Program is a semester-long crash course in product management. The goal of the program is to equip a group of Fellows with all of the skills needed to procure and succeed in a product management internship. The fellowship consists of educational lectures taught by the fellowship lead and mentors, group discussions, and individual interview prep. Through workshops, professional development, and social activities, the fellowship program is a great place to start if you're thinking about pursuing product management.

Applications are open at the beginning of every semester.

Gain real world experience


The Product Space Consulting Program allows graduated Fellows and members with previous product management experience an avenue to apply their skills as a product associate for a client project. Through this semester-long project, consultants work in teams with an experienced project manager to design impactful features for a wide variety of companies. The consulting program is a unique opportunity to enact real-world impact with your learnings and gain fundamental product management experience.

Explore product management in a community


Product Space at Penn welcomes all members of our community to attend our public events. We host intro to PM sessions, PM recruiting guide events, product-related guest speaker events, PM skills events, and more. Join us in our next event by signing in up for our newsletter!